CBL2 / Heme-Lymph Lab: Lymphoma/Myeloma

Case Presentation

A 65 year old man has not seen a physician for 5 years. He has been feeling tired and has had to buy a larger shirt size because of an increase in the size of his neck. On physical examination, he was found to have enlarged cervical and axillary lymph nodes, and moderate splenomegaly. His CBC was abnormal. His physician ordered a lymph node biopsy.


  Patient Normal Male
WBC 150x103 3.5 – 10.6 x103/μL
  Bands 0 0 – 720 /μL
  Neutrophils 7,500 1,730 – 7,100 /μL
  Monocytes 1,500 70 – 870 /μL
  Lymphocytes 141,000 900 – 3,120 /μL
  Eosinophils 0 0 – 490 /μL
  Basophils 0 0 – 140 /μL
RBC 3.5 4.27 – 5.69 x106/μL
HGB 9.8 13.3 – 17.1 g/dL
HCT 33 38.9 – 48.0 %
MCV 84 81.0 – 98.0 fL
MCH 30 27.1 – 34.0 pg
Platelets 160x103 150 - 450 x103/μL

Question #1: What would you like to do next?